
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Acronyms and Abbreviations of Apparel Industry | Most Common Abbreviations of Garments (RMG)

Abbreviations on entire apparel sector are used frequently in daily job to minimize wordings during communication. A top potential leaders must have the knowledge so that he/she can grab and reply to the opposite person in a conversation or mailing. Below are the best and most usable abbreviations that we face regularly in our daily work.

RMG: Ready Made Garments

BGMEA: Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association

BKMEA: Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association

BTMC: Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation

BTMA: Bangladesh Textile Mills Association

BGWUC: Bangladesh Garments Worker Unit Council

WTO: World Trade Organization

AQL: Acceptable Quality Level

CBL: Center Back Line

CFL: Center Front Line

FOB: Free On Board

FCA: Free Carrier

GPT: Garments Performance Test

FPT: Fabric Performance Test

FDS: Fabric Data Sheet

EPB: Exporter Promotion Bureau

C & F: Cost & Freight

CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight

CM: Cost of Making

CMT: Cost of Making with Trimming

NSA: No Seam Allowance

BOM: Bill Of Materials

BL: Bill of Loading

COO: Certificate of Origin

L/C: Letter of Credit

BB L/C: Back to Back L/C

UD: Utilization Declaration

UP: Utilization Permission

AAQC: American Association of Quality Control

LCA: Letter of Credit Authorization

PSI: Pre-Shipment Inspection

CAD: Computer Aided Design

CAM: Computer Aided Manufacturing

PTS: Primary Textile Sector

GDP: Growth Domestic Product

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

GSP: Generalized System of Preferences

GATT: Generalized Agreement on Tariffs and Taxes

MFA: Multi Fiber Arrangement

EPB: Export Promotion Bureau

FY: Financial/Fiscal Year

PTI: Private Textile Industry

VAT : Value Added Tax

ETP: Effluent Treatment Plant

T/C: Tetron + Cotton

CVC: Chief Value Cotton

CNF: Clearing & Forwarding

BWTG: Better Worker in Textile Garments

EPI: Ends per Inch

PPI: Picks per Inch

ILO: International Labor Organization

IMF: International Monetary Fund

IFTU: International Federation of Trade Union

ETD: Estimated Time of Delivery/Disptach

ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival

CRD: Cargo Receive Date

COD: Cash On Delivery

CBM: Cubic Meter

C&F: Cost and Freight/Clearing and Forwarding

PI: Proforma Invoice

CI: Commercial Invoice

PL: Packing List

EPZ: Export Processing ZOne

ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning

YY: Yield Yardages

DTM: Dye to Match

EMB: Embroidery

ICC: International Chamber of Commerce

ILO: International labour Organization

IE: Industrial Engineering

IPE: Industrial Production Engineering

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

KPI: Key performance Indicator

OZ: Ounce

GSM: Gram Per Square Meter

PPM: Pre Production Meeting

PDM: Product Development Manual

QA: Quality Assurance

QC: Quality Control

QMS: Quality Management System

AQL: Acceptable Quality Level

SPI: Stitch Per Inch

SMV: Standard Minute Value

SMA: Standard Allowed Minute

SKU: Stock Keeping Unit

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

TNA: Time and Action

CAP: Corrective Action Plan

PFD: Prepared For Dyeing

Ready For Dyeing

RSL: Restricted Substances List

TQM: Total Quality Management

UPC: Universal Product Code

GHS: Global Harmonzied System

EPB: Export Promotion Bureau

EU: European Union

European Commission

IMF: International Monetary Fund

TU: Trade Union

FDI: Foreign Direct Investment

FOA: Free on Air

FTC: Federal Trade Commission

GMT: Garments

BTN: Button

GSS: Garment Specification Sheet

DNS: Double Needle Stitch

MP: Man Power

NPT: Non Productive Time

PO: Production Officer

PM: Production Manager

MTO: Management Trainee Officer

DGM: Deputy General Manager

AGM: Assitant General Manager

GM: General Manage

Chief Executive Officer

CFO: Chief Financial Officer

Production Sample

OE: Open End

YD/SD: Yarn Dyed/Solid Dyed

M/C: Machine

TN: Ticket Number

OCS: Open Cost Sheet

FDS: Fabric Data Sheet

TT: Telephonic Trasfer

BOE: Bill of Exchange

DA: Designated Auditor

RPM: Rotation Per Minute

EIM: Environment Impact Measuring

BCI: Better Cotton Initiative

GOTS: Global Organic Textile Standard

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